Monday, December 20, 2010

Top Gift Idea this Christmas!

I have just returned from a weekend away at Collaroy Beach. I went for a Discipleship retreat run by the awesome Youth Minister at my Parish and attended by a group of passionate young adults (including myself)! We have come away better equipped with stronger foundations for our faith, new friendships formed, affirmations of who we are in Christ, and our most effective armour and one we are all excited about - new Bibles!! (Thank you Luke)!!

We are fortunate to have seen the fruits of our experience made visible by the powerful workings of the Holy Spirit. But, I believe the seeds planted in the hearts of the young ones over the weekend, will in God's time, bring fourth more blessings than we could possibly understand or even be made aware of. My biggest prayer on returning from the retreat is that we will be filled with the love of Christ and the fire of the Holy Spirit so that we will have a greater desire to share God's living word with those who do not yet know Him, to proclaim the truth that is Christ Himself, and lead others to the God through the workings of the Holy Spirit. In short, to evangelise. :-)

I especially feel the desire to bring Christ to people as we draw closer to Christmas. This time of the year inspires me to be a little more outgoing in my attempts to speak about my faith as it is such an exciting time and I want to share the reality of Christmas with everyone. This video is a favourite of mine. I love new ways of telling people the same story and spreading the message that Jesus is the Reason for the Season!

You must check it out!!! :-)

I pray that your hearts will be on fire this Christmas!! May you overflow with peace and joy this season and be inspired to spread your gifts of faith and love to all the world in new and exciting ways!

"Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."
Mark 16:15

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