Friday, November 19, 2010

Seek God in Your Insecurity

Thomas Merton's prayer below is a favourite of mine. It is often distributed to those discerning their vocation, as it points to the uncertainty we feel when we cannot see the road ahead.

The prayer calls us to acknowledge our ignorance and have hope in our insecurities. We are ignorant because we cannot see what God can see and we cannot know what lies ahead of our choices. To acknowledge our own ignorance makes us vulnerable and insecure. But this is a beautiful thing because in our vulnerability, we seek the guidance and protection of God. And we know that through seeking Him, we will discover the path which He has set for us.

Our insecurity is a great hope. Do not fear it and worry that you are ignorant. Instead, ask for God's wisdom and grace to fill you. God will be pleased that you sought His guidance, whatever path you choose.



  1. Love the Blog Lianna.... especially this prayer. Look forward to following the Blog in the future. Keep up the good work,

    God Bless

    David Assaf

  2. Amazing Prayer:) xx

  3. Thank you both! Hope the prayer brings you much peace. God bless you with a beautiful journey! xx
